Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sunday, April 20, 2008

reliance wimax internet service

Hi all,

here is some important tips for reliance wimax broadband service.

if you are new user of reliance broadband wimax internet user then hang on here now you are going to read something hot .

if you have any 600 kbps unlimited connection for Rs 1499 monthly at home . and havening 600 kbps or 2 mbps at office then don't use 600 kbps for home , just take 150 kbps for Rs 699 monthly. but still you can use 600 kbps at home.


just yous your office user id and password in home. and enjoy.

any user id and password will work on any of reliance wimax internet service.
so if you know any user id and password then you are the king. just take 150 kbps paid and use any speed.

let me know if anyone getting any problem in accessing the internet.